Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Mortality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Mortality - Essay Example Mortality affects humans only when alive and upon losing an acquaintance, partner, or family member. Mortality is the darkest concept a human can contemplate. Humans go to great lengths to avoid their mortality. Countless searches for objects to prolong an individual’s life such as the Fountain of Youth, the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, and other objects that will allow a human’s immortality. â€Å"Epic of Gilgamesh† tells of Gilgamesh’s effort to stay awake or walking on the bottom of the sea in order to obtain immortality. If Gilgamesh part God is searching for immortality, then mere mortals searching is understandable. Humans are willing to pay for immortality. Twilight, Highlander, and other immortal creatures lose something for their immortality. Vampires must walk in the dark with an undying thirst for blood. The Immortals of Highlander must constantly battle other Immortals and live longer than the humans they loved. Still most humans think they want immortality despite the cost. One of the pros of mortality is a short lifespan. For an example, many individuals want more life. Imagine the possibilities of men like Bill Gates, Martin Luther King, Socrates, Alexander the Great, Abraham Lincoln along with many others if they had lived an immortal life. The possibilities would be endless. The pain at losing individuals like the ones above and other important people is another con of mortality. The hurt of a loved one dying is strong. The heartbroken often want to die in order to be with a loved. The dead are not concerned anymore. A short life and pain during times of death are cons of mortality. Illness and pain are another pro of mortality. Enkidu languished from an illness in pain for awhile before expiring. A cancer patient, mentally ill individual locked away, or anyone else with a painful disease prays for death upon a daily basis. Mortality is an escape from the pain of their failing bodies.

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